GGPlot Cheatsheet : Guide to the 'ggplot2' package.
R Markdown Cheatsheet : Guide to syntaxes for R Markdown.
Introduction to Statistical Learning : Book by James, Witten, Hastie, and Tibshirani
Color Codes: Color codes and palettes.
R Spatial : Guide for the 'raster/sp' packages.
Spatial Data Science in R : Book by Edzer and Roger.
The Effect by Nick Huntington-Klein (Youtube): Accessible resource for causal inference tools.
Causal Inference by Scott Cunningham : Another useful resource on causal inference methods.
Dr. Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham Lectures: Youtube playlist on PhD Applied Methods course.
DAGitty : Online resource to draw your own DAGs.
Spatial / Remote Sensing
Google Earth Engine Code: A repository with example code files using Google Earth Engine (in-progress).
Coordinate System : Find coordinate system for a location.
Data Classification : Different types of data classification (useful for map legends).
Demographic and Health Surveys: Surveys on household demographic and health indicators.
Guide to DHS Statistics: Information on the variables collected in DHS survey.
IPUMS Database: Collection of Census and Surveys around the world.
UNICEF's MICS Surveys: Surveys on household demographics and health indicators.
Google Earth Engine Code: A repository with example code files using Google Earth Engine (in-progress).